Tanjung Pesona adalah nama pantai yang terletak sekitar 9 km dari kota Sungailiat, ibu kota kabupaten Bangka . Pantai Tanjung Pesona terletak diantara Pantai Teluk Uber dan Pantai Tikus. Seperti namanya, pantai ini memang sungguh mempesona. Berdiri diatas butiran pasir putih yang lembut, dengan panorama laut lepas dimana ombak saling berkejaran, dan panorama bebatuan yang besar, sembari ditiup angin semilir akan membuat kita merasa betapa kecilnya kita sebagai manusia di sekeliling alam ciptaan Tuhan.
Pantai ini mempunyai panorama laut lepas, diatas tanjung dengan bebatuan yang besar. Pantai ini juga telah dilengkapi fasilitas wisata, dengan klasifikasi hotel berbintang tiga. Pantai Tanjung Pesona merupakan salah satu pantai yang indah di daerah Sungai Liat, Propinsi Bangka Belitung.
Pantai ini mempunyai panorama laut lepas, diatas tanjung dengan bebatuan yang besar. Pantai ini juga telah dilengkapi fasilitas wisata, dengan klasifikasi hotel berbintang tiga. Pantai Tanjung Pesona merupakan salah satu pantai yang indah di daerah Sungai Liat, Propinsi Bangka Belitung.
Tanjung Pesona Beach is a beach located about 9 km from the city Sungailiat, the district capital of Bangka. Tanjung Pesona Beach is located between the Uber Beach and Rat Beach. As its name implies, this beach is really stunning. Standing on the white sand is soft, with panoramic sea where the waves chasing each other, and large rocks panorama, while blowing breeze will make you feel how small we are as human beings around the nature of God's creation.
This beach has panoramic sea, on capes with large rocks. This beach has also been equipped with tourist facilities, with the classification of three-star hotels. Tanjung Pesona Beach is one of the beautiful beaches in the River Liat, Bangka Belitung province.
Tanjung Pesona Beach is a beach located about 9 km from the city Sungailiat, the district capital of Bangka. Tanjung Pesona Beach is located between the Uber Beach and Rat Beach. As its name implies, this beach is really stunning. Standing on the white sand is soft, with panoramic sea where the waves chasing each other, and large rocks panorama, while blowing breeze will make you feel how small we are as human beings around the nature of God's creation.
This beach has panoramic sea, on capes with large rocks. This beach has also been equipped with tourist facilities, with the classification of three-star hotels. Tanjung Pesona Beach is one of the beautiful beaches in the River Liat, Bangka Belitung province.